Road of the Dead 2

40x 5x

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600x400 (standard)
750x500 (125 %)
900x600 (150 %)

Game description

Road of the Dead 2

4 712×
Game controls: drive the car - W,A,S,D, aim and shoot - mouse, interactions at the service stations - spacebar, hooting - F, switch between the drivers - Shift, charge - R, choose the weapon - 1-9, switch between weapons - Q,E, pause - P

The game "Road of the Dead 2" is a continuation of the exceptionally brutal game, in which you drive a military armed vehicle through a devastated city and you must defend yourself against hundreds of zombies. The size of the game is almost 43MB, so please be patient while the game is downloading (the downloading speed depends on the speed of your internet connection)!

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